For stays of more than 90 days
EU citizens: After 3 months (90 days) in Italy you may be required to register your residence with the relevant authority the local Anagrafe (Register Office) of the municipality of residence, and to be issued with a registration certificate. In the case that the stay in Italy, even if longer than three months, is temporary and does not exceed the year of permanence, as in the case of students, seasonal workers or posted workers, registration in the temporary population register may be requested (Art. 8 of Law 1228/1954 and Art. 9 Legislative Decree no. 30/2007).
Non-EU citizens intending to stay in Italy for more than 90 days must apply for a residence permit/permesso di soggiorno. The application for a residence permit must be presented within 8 days of arriving in Italy. Once in Italy, students have to go to the International Mobility Office of the University (only if you are an exchange student coming to Italy within mobility programmes) or the Student Services, in the other cases.
After registration you will be given the necessary documents to be attached to the application; if you need it the office will provide you with assistance and information on how to submit a correct application. Once you have filled in the forms and attached all the required documents, you have to go to the post office in Potenza to send the application.
Under Schengen rules, the residence permit issued by the Police (Questura) to holders of a long-stay visa allows foreigners, unless express limitations are imposed, entry to and exit from the Schengen area and to travel without restraint for a period not to exceed 90 days in any 6-month period within territories of the other Contracting States, provided that they hold a valid national passport or equivalent travel document. Nevertheless, all foreigners are required to report their presence to the police on the soil of any other Schengen State within 3 working days of entry.
The residence permit shall be issued to the student for a period of at least one year and renewable. Where the duration of the course of study is less than one year, the permit shall be valid for the duration of the course.
Documents required to apply for the residence permit