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Visiting professor, researcher & fellow

Definition and meaning

Visiting Professor is a professor or researcher of high scientific qualification invited to cooperate with one or more Departments to perform teaching activities, including seminars, as part of a study program or Ph.D. course activated at the University.

Visiting Researcher is a professor or researcher of high scientific qualification, invited to cooperate with a research group related to one or more Departments to carry out research or research projects at the University.

Visiting Fellow is a researcher or post-doc or scholar of proven scientific qualification, invited to carry out his research in collaboration and/or under the supervision of teachers or researchers belonging to a Department of the University.


The status of Visiting Professor, Visiting Researcher, Visiting Fellow is recognized for the whole duration of the stay at UNIBAS according to the modalities established by the University Regulations.

Note: The status of Visiting Professor is incompatible with any type of position held in University or research institutions operating in Italy.


The selection is planned annually, based on the teaching and scientific needs of the University.

For further details on the application deadlines and methods, please refer to the University Regulation concerning Visiting Professor, Visiting Researcher and Visiting Fellow, as well as the relevant call for applications available in the Documents section.

Duration and benefits

Cooperation assignments must be carried out for a minimum period of 30 consecutive days and a maximum of 24 months.


The Host Department and/or the University will guarantee the Visiting Professor, Researcher and Fellow:

  • assistance and information support for the issue of the residence permit (non-EU);
  • a work station within the Host Structure;
  • accident and liability insurance coverage for the period of stay;
  • access to computer resources, libraries and other services offered by the University;
  • assistance to access at reduced rates to the canteen and residential service offered by the competent Regional Authority.


At the end of the stay at the University, the Visiting Professor, Researcher or Fellow is required to submit an exhaustive report on the teaching or research activity carried out to the Director of the hosting Department.

Financial support

Visiting Professors/Visiting Researchers can be funded:

  • with funds from the proposing Departments;
  • with University funds, for a maximum of 70% of the total cost (30% has to be paid by the proposing Departments);
  • with funds coming from special agreements stipulated with individuals, companies or foundations.

The Visiting Professor/ Researcher may be paid the monthly gross salary, depending on the country of origin. The Departments, in addition to the gross monthly salary, may contribute to travel and accommodation expenses.


Visiting Fellow may receive a reimbursement from the hosting Department, in whole or in part, of travel, board and lodging expenses.


For further details, please refer to the Regulations of the Visiting Professor, Visiting Researcher and Visiting Fellow and the related documents available in the Documents section.


1. Coming from the European Union

You need to:

  • check that the identity document is valid for the whole period of your stay in Italy;
  • have appropriate health care coverage valid also for Italy (TEAM card and/or private insurance).


2. Coming from outside the European Union

If you are a Visiting Professor or a visiting fellow or other lecturer coming from abroad, you need to apply for a Visa for self-employment freelance, while if you are a Visiting researcher, or a visiting fellow or other researcher coming from abroad you need to apply for a Visa for research to the Italian Consulate/Embassy in your home country. Depending on the purpose of your visit, you have to submit several documents. A detailed list of documents can be found consulting the "Farnesina" website "Visto per l'Italia". Common documents are:

  • Visa application form;
  • recent passport-size photograph;
  • valid travel document whose expiry date is three months longer than that of the visa requested;
  • "Nulla osta" (authorisation) from the relevant Questura and, in case of researchers, a Nulla osta (authorisation) from the relevant SUI (immigration helpdesk - for stays longer than three months) or documentation certifying that the applicant is a Researcher employed by a foreign university or research institution (for short stays);
  • proof of suitable accommodation.


Note: The visa issue procedures take a long time and you should start the procedure well in advance (at least 3 months before).

Health care

1) If you are a citizen of the European Union, the European Economic Area (Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway) or Switzerland, by exhibiting your European Health Insurance Card EHIC (TEAM in Italy) or other forms of entitlement (e.g. forms E 106, E 109, etc.), you have the right to receive health care directly from public health facilities and private facilities recognized by the Italian National Health Service. To obtain health care, you will be required to pay a "ticket" (cost contribution). Important: the EHIC card does not give you access to treatment "programmed abroad", i.e. planned services (for instance: non-urgent dental care, spa treatments, etc.).


If you do not have an EHIC card, before leaving, find out from the national insurance body in your country if and how you can have access to health care in Italy.


If you pay taxes in Italy and stay in the country for more than 3 months you can register free of charge with the National Health Service - NHS.



2) If you are a citizen of non-EU countries, please check with the insurance body in your country if there is a health care agreement with Italy and, if so, how to access this. If not:


  • for short stays - less than 90 days you can obtain an urgent or elective treatment by payment of the relative regional tariffs. You can take out a private health insurance policy, valid in Italy, to which you can then apply for reimbursement. Contact your insurance company to find out which health costs can be refunded.

Note: It is not possible to register with the Italian National Health Service.


  • for long stays - more than 90 days you must take out private health care insurance valid in Italy which covers the whole period of your stay. Alternatively, in some cases, you may register with the National Health Service on a voluntary basis (registration with the National Health Service - NHS - ensures health care at the same conditions specified for Italian citizens).

It is recommended to get in touch with the contact professor at UNIBAS.

It could be also offered the possibility to lodge in the University Halls of Residence, managed by the Regional Education Authority (Azienda Regionale per il Diritto allo Studio Universitario - A.R.D.S.U.), with the exception of August, when the residence is closed, and those mobility hosted in Matera.

To check the availability for the period of interest and for detailed information, please contact your UNIBAS reference professor.

Where we are

The University of Basilicata has two main campuses, one in Potenza and another one Matera.

In Potenza, the University consists of two campuses: the Campus of "Francioso" located in Via Nazario Sauro no.85 and the Campus of "Macchia Romana" located in Viale dell'Ateneo Lucano nr.10.

In the Campus of Francioso you can find the Department of Humanities, the University Central Library, the Rector's Office, the University Language Centre, as well as the Student Services Centre, and the Disability Advisory Service.

In the Campus of Macchia Romana you can find the Department of Mathematics, Computer Science, and Economics (DIMIE), the Department of Science (DIS), the School of Engineering (SI), the School of Agricultural, Forest, Food, and Environmental Sciences (SAFE), as well as the Student Orientation and Careers Service Centre, the University IT Infrastructure and ICT Systems Centre, the Science and Technology Library, and the Student Services Centre.

In Matera, the University site is in Via Lanera / Via del Castello nr. 20 where are located the Post-graduate School in Archaeology, the Department of European and Mediterranean Cultures, Environment and Cultural Heritage (DICEM) and several front offices.

The Internationalization Service is located in Potenza, Via dell'Ateneo Lucano (Italy), Building 3B-2° floor. Opening Hours: Monday, Wednesday and Thursday from 9.00 to 11.00 and on Tuesday from 15.00 to 16.00.

Residence permit

Coming from the European Union

If you stay in Italy for more than 3 months, you must register with the Registry Office (Iscrizione Anagrafica) in the city where you live.


Coming from outside the European Union

Once you arrive in Italy, only if you plan to stay for less than 90 days you do not need to apply for a residence permit, but within 8 days you must go to the police station (Questura) to report your presence (Dichiarazione di presenza), if you are not exempted from doing so.

In general, if you have a visa for self-employment freelance and you are going to stay in Italy for more than 90 days, within 8 working days of your arrival in Italy, you must apply for a residence permit. You have to go to the Italian Post Office (Poste Italiane) and pick up the yellow Kit, including a set of forms and documents regarding the application. The Kit is available for free. You can also find the Kit to the "Patronato" offices.

What you have to do:

Fill out the Kit with your information and with all pertinent information regarding your visa, passport and stay in Italy.

  • Pay the Permesso di Soggiorno application fee and Post Office service (currently total EUR 110,46) by means of a payment order. The payment order can be completed at any Post Office. The Kit includes the details to complete the payment order (e.g., memo line, payable to, amount, etc. - see also the link provided above as a sample). Also, acquire a Stamp Duty of EUR 16,00 (at any licensed Tobacco store) and pay EUR 30,00 at the time of submitting your application.
  • File the completed Kit and the fee payment receipt it with the competent Poste Italiane office based on the address where you will live. Please keep in mind that you can only file the Kit in person. When filing the Kit you shall show to the Poste Italiane representative your original passport bearing the Italian Visa. Also, bear in mind that you are required to file all the financial resources documents that you had filed with the Italian Consulate when you applied for your Italian Visa.
  • When filing the Kit, the Poste Italiane representative will schedule an appointment for you to go to the competent Police Station to do your fingerprint scan. The Poste Italiane representative will give you information about the address of the competent Police Station where to go.
  • At the fingerprint scan, the police officer will let you know the expected processing time as well as when and where to go to pick up the Permesso di Soggiorno card as soon as it is ready.


Note: It is very important to go to the appointment and to indicate the correct address on your permit application. The Questura will send any notices or calls in the event of problems in issuing the residence permit to the indicated address. Important: the name of the professor must be clearly visible on the door panel/letterbox.

Keep the receipt you are given at the Post Office because you must show it with your passport in the event of a police check.

To find out the status of your application for issue/renewal after the appointment at the police station (Questura) enter the file code number assigned during the appointment or the insured mail number (the password written on the receipt issued by the Post Office) in the Polizia di Stato website.

If you need help, you can contact the International Relations Unit ( or/and your contact professor at UNIBAS.

Useful Links:

Portale dell'Immigrazione

Poste Italiane

Polizia di Stato

Accident and civil liability Insurances

The University of Basilicata provides exchange and degree-seeking students, as well as incoming professors and administrative staff with insurance against accidents that may occur on the campus premises of the university or in any other place where you carry out study or traineeship or research activities as far as they are authorized by the University, as well as for civil liability toward third parties during the performance of institutional activities. 

Third-party insurance (Assicurazione di responsabilità civile)

Third-party liability insurance is offered by the University of Basilicata to cover third-party damages that students could cause in and out of the Institution. The policy is extended to students, grant holders, trainees, postgraduate students, visiting/exchange students and professors, etc. staying at the University for vocational and educational training, analogous and other activities.

For further and detailed information, please refer to or

Accident insurance (assicurazione contro gli infortuni)

Students coming to the University are covered against all risks that occur during all the institutional activities (in and out of UNIBAS) provided for or allowed by the University.

​Please bear in mind that the policy does not cover medical treatment expenses for which, according to your citizenship, individual health insurance is required.

For further and detailed information, please refer to or


Tax code (tax identification number)

The Tax Identification Number (Codice Fiscale) is an identification document necessary in any relationship between citizens and public administrations. It is necessary to open a bank or a postal account and to enroll in the National Health Service, as well as it must be shown during the enrolment process. It is also required to lodge at the Halls of Residence managed by the Regional Education Agency (A.R.D.S.U.) All students and teachers have to apply for this tax code and then return a copy of it to the International Relations Office.

To be granted a tax identification number, foreign citizens must present a valid document (if EU citizens) and a residence permit (if non-EU citizens) at the local office of the Agenzia delle Entrate, the Italian Revenue Agency.

Non-resident individuals who need to obtain a tax code can apply for it to the Italian consular authorities in the country of residence. It is issued through the computerized link with the Italian Revenue Agency and a certificate is given to the applicant or can submit the request personally to any territorial office of the Revenue Agency.

At the moment of the application, a valid identity card of the applicant must be presented. The documentation, as well as to prove the identity of the subject, must prove the legitimacy of the presence of the subject in Italy. At the moment of the request, the Revenue Office issues a certificate of attribution.

At the Agency you should produce the following documents:

  • application for a tax code to be filled Form AA4/8 Editable version (EN) – Modello AA4/8 Editable (IT) (please read carefully the instructions on how to fill this form).
  • the identity document (EU citizens) or, in case of non-EU citizens, the passport, with visa (if any), or other documents valid for the Italian authority plus the identity certification issued by the home country Consulate or Embassy in Italy (with a passport photo). Non‐UE students are also required to produce the permit of stay (permesso di soggiorno) or the receipt. 

Your “Codice Fiscale” should be issued in real-time.

Agenzia Entrate Potenza

Agenzia Entrate Matera

International Relations Unit


Dott.ssa Mariangela Colucci

phone + 39 0971 202199




Dott.ssa Giada Possidente 

phone  +39 0971 202156


Departmental Coordinators for International Relations

Scuola di Scienze Agrarie, Forestali, Alimentari ed Ambientali/ School of Agricultural, Forest, Food and Environmental Science 

Campus di Macchia Romana

Via dell'Ateneo Lucano

85100 Potenza (Italia)

Prof.ssa Tania GIOIA, e-mail: 

Scuola di Ingegneria (SI-UniBas)/ School of Engineering 

Campus di Macchia Romana

Via dell'Ateneo Lucano

85100 Potenza (Italia)

Prof. Katia GENOVESE, e-mail:

Dipartimento di Matematica, Informatica ed Economia/ Department of Mathematics, Computer Science and Economics 

Campus di Macchia Romana

Via dell'Ateneo Lucano

85100 Potenza (Italia)

Prof. Rosanna SALVIA, e-mail:

Dipartimento di Scienze/ Department of Science

Campus di Macchia Romana

Via dell'Ateneo Lucano

85100 Potenza (Italia)

Prof. Luigi MILELLA, e-mail:

Dipartimento di Scienze Umane/ Department of Human Science 

Campus di Via Nazario Sauro

Via Nazario Sauro

85100 Potenza (Italia)

Prof. Luisa CAIAZZO, e-mail:

Dipartimento delle Culture Europee e del Mediterraneo: Architettura, Ambiente, Patrimoni Culturali (DICEM)/ Department of European and Mediterranean Cultures, Environment and Cultural Heritage   

Campus di Via Lanera

Via Lanera

75100 Matera (Italia)

Prof. Antonella Grazia GUIDA, e-mail:

Scuola di Specializzazione in Beni Archeologici/Postgraduate School in Archaeological Heritage 

Prof. Antonella Grazia GUIDA, e-mail:

DR nomina quadriennio 20-24


Referenti amministrativi per la Mobilità Internazionale di Dipartimento - Dept. administrative contact person

Dipartimento di Scienze Agrarie, Forestali, Alimentari e Ambientali (DAFE)

Lucia ROBILOTTA, e-mail: 

Dipartimento di Ingegneria (DiING)

Daniele CAMMAROTA, e-mail:

Dipartimento di Scienze di Base e Applicate (DiSBA)

Rossella Francesca SANTARELLI, e-mail:

Dipartimento di Scienze della Salute (DiSS)

Lucia TANCREDI, e-mail:

Dipartimento per l’Innovazione Umanistica, Scientifica e Sociale (DIUSS)

Violetta PEDALINO, e-mail:


DDG n. 280 del 17/10/2024 - Nomina Referenti amministrativi per la mobilità internazionale di Dipartimento - quadriennio accademico 2024-2028


DDG rep. n. 88 del 30/04/2024 - sostituzione referente amministrativo SI - Unibas
Nota DISU - sostituzione referente

PDG 574 del 30/11/2020 quadriennio 20-24 e scorcio biennio 20-22

Decreto Rettorale n. 33 del 14/02/2017 

Decreto Rettorale n. 96 del 13/02/2018 

