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Recognition of foreign degrees

Article 2 of Law no. 148 of 11 July 2002, “Ratification and execution of the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region, completed in Lisbon, 11 April, 1997, and regulations for adaptation in national law”, states that 'The competence to recognise cycles and periods of study completed abroad and foreign qualifications for the purposes of access to higher education, the pursuit of university studies and the award of Italian university degrees is conferred on the universities and higher education institutions, which exercise it within the framework of their autonomy and according to their respective regulations, without prejudice to bilateral agreements on the matter".

Recognition can be academic, non-academic or professional.

Information related to the different categories of acknowledgment and the administrations responsible for them is available on the CIMEA website.

The University of Basilicata has signed an agreement with CIMEA for the CIMEA for the launch of "Evaluation and verification services for foreign qualifications using the Diplome-CIMEA platform", with the aim of issuing "Comparability Certificates" and/or "Verification Certificates" for foreign qualifications.

The services are accessible at

In order to apply for the issue of the corresponding Italian qualification, the foreign qualification must meet all the following requirements:

  • be an official first, second or third-cycle qualification of the foreign reference system, issued by an official institution of the foreign system;
  • allow entry to comparable second or third cycle in the relevant foreign system and/or confer the same academic rights;
  • have the same nature and disciplinary elements as the corresponding Italian degree (number of credits, duration, academic nature and/or research elements, etc.);
  • there must be an Italian degree with which the foreign degree can be compared, both in terms of type and disciplinary field.

To learn more:

These requirements hold for all students with foreign qualifications, independently of their nationality, both for qualifications awarded in European Union (EU) countries and in those non-EU.

This University does not grant full recognition to courses with a national quota (Medicine and Surgery, Architecture and Primary Education). For these courses, it is possible to enrol with "career shortening", only if there are places available in the years following the first one, which will be published in the admission notices available on