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professor opportunities


Erasmus+ staff mobility for teaching


The Erasmus+ programme allows academic University staff and staff from enterprise to carry out teaching activities at a higher education institution holding ECHE (Erasmus University for Higher Education). Before leaving it is necessary to agree the teaching programme with the host institution. For this activity the length of stay, excluding travel, must be a minimum of two days and up to two months. The teaching hours shall not be less than 8. Academic staff coming from partner Institutions can apply directly to the department (academic tutor responsible of the agreement or with the international department/school coordinator) in which they wish to carry out the teaching activity.



Erasmus+ staff mobility for training


The Erasmus+ Programme gives the opportunity to University staff (academic and administrative) to carry out a period of mobility at a higher education institution holding ECHE (Erasmus University for Higher Education) or enterprise located in one of the countries participating in the Erasmus+ Programme. This type of mobility aims at the acquisition of practical skills and learning from good practice. For this activity the length of stay, excluding travel, must be a minimum of two days and up to two months.




Erasmus+ International credit Mobility - KA107


Through the Key Action 107 of the Erasmus+ Programme, students enrolled in first, second and third cycle courses can spend a period abroad for study (from 3 to 12 months) or training (from 2 to 12 months) at universities in other continents, outside EU countries, in compliance with the objectives and modalities established in each individual mobility project, implemented in line with the internationalisation strategy. The aim of the action is to send and receive students, PhD students, teaching and administrative staff, increasing the attractiveness of the University, widening the offer of destinations to countries in the rest of the world, allowing the acquisition of credits recognized upon return to the University, new professional skills and best practices, as well as improving language skills and deepening new contexts and cultures. The programme provides different financial contributions depending on the country of destination to partly cover the costs of stay abroad.



Visiting Professor, Researcher and Fellow


The University of Basilicata promotes the international dimension of research and training activities by encouraging professors, researchers and scholars, with a highly qualified scientific curriculum, from university institutions, research centres or foreign centre of high scientific qualification, including through specific international agreements, to carry out research and/or teaching activities as part of a course of study or PhD. The University Regulation, issued by the Rector on July 11, 2017 (Decree no. 183), defines the selection procedures, the length of stay, as well as the economic treatment (Board of Directors' meeting of 21.11.2018).



Cooperation agreements


The University of Basilicata is strongly engaged in internationalisation, establishing long-standing relationships around the world, not only in Europe but also in North and South America, Asia and in the Middle East, Africa and so on. The main goal is to encourage and enhance international exchange of students, teaching and administrative staff, as well as to promote and foster didactic and research. 

List of cooperation agreements currently in force.