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Laurea magistrale a ciclo unico (Single-cycle degree programme equivalent to Master's Level degree)

This degree course runs as a single cycle of five or six years lasting. The degree is awarded at the end of five or six years and requires 300-360 credits (depending on degree programme) and it is a 2nd cycle degree qualification (LAUREA MAGISTRALE).

The single-cycle degree provides the student with advanced education and training for professions in specific fields regulated by National laws and requires a high level of qualification (medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine, pharmacy and architecture) and for access to legal professions.
As a general rule, to be admitted to a single-cycle degree the Italian school leaving qualification (or comparable foreign qualification) is required; admission is based on entrance exams.

The Laurea Magistrale a ciclo unico grants access to competitions for the Italian civil service, state-regulated and non-state-regulated professions, research doctorate programmes and all other degree courses of the 3rd cycle.

Academic title awarded: Dottore Magistrale.